Penfield, Lucy2014-06-062014-06-062014-06-06 of Minnesota Plan C final project. Spring 2014. Degree: Master of Liberal Studies. Adviser: Roslye Ultan. 1 digital file (pdf)During times of change, we float between the known and unknown, comfort and discomfort, certainty and uncertainty. This transformative time represents a gray area—an inbetween—that we must navigate through in order to jump start our imagination and creative discovery. For my final project I installed an exhibition of photographs, objects, and a “Discovery Room” to illustrate a 6-Step Creative Design Process—a fusion of Systems Thinking, Integrative Thinking, and Design Thinking—useful to designers, artists and anybody solving a problem or facing a design challenge. Design your creative journey and change your story.en-UScreativitycreativedesign thinkingdiscoveryideationintegrative thinkinginbetweeninnovateIgniting the Inbetween: A Creative Design Process from Discovery to CelebrationThesis or Dissertation