Carter, Sunshine JTraill, Stacie2020-02-072020-02-072018-07Carter, Sunshine J., & Traill, Stacie. (2018). Troubleshooting Fundamentals: A Beginner's Guide. Online Searcher, 42(4), 10-13. have been troubleshooting unexpected problems affecting access to content for as long as libraries have provided online content. Library systems and access models have matured as the volume of content delivered via those systems has grown. Thus, finding and fixing the causes of electronic resource access problems has become a complex, time-consuming, and often specialized task.This article describes three fundamental areas -- content, authentication models, and library systems -- with which a new troubleshooter should acquaint themselves in order to become an effective solver of e-resource access problems.enLibrariesElectronic resourcesLibrary systemsProblem solvingTroubleshooting Fundamentals: A Beginner's GuideArticle