University of Minnesota Duluth. Office of Diversity and InclusionSkora, Stephanie2020-03-242020-03-242019 event will take place on Thursday Nov. 14 from 11:30AM-4PM in the Kirby Ballroom (come & go as you are able). The featured educator is scheduled for noon & a series of T-Talks will follow the keynote session.  The 3rd annual Trans(Gender) Justice Teach-in is a full day event focusing on gender justice while centering trans, nonbinary, intersex & gender non-conforming communities' knowledge, experiences, and liberation. Featured Educator: Stephanie Skora - Stephanie is an unapologetic femme, a statistically middle-aged genderqueer trans woman, a lesbian in a culture quickly moving away from that label, and an anti-racist, anti-Zionist white Jew practicing her spiritual tradition through radical activism.en-USPostersUniversity of Minnesota DuluthOffice of Diversity and InclusionTeach-insTrans(Gender) Justice Teach-In: Featured Educator (2019-11-14)Other