Levinson, David MKaramalaputi, Ramachandra2016-05-022016-05-022003Levinson, David and Ramachandra Karamalaputi (2003) Predicting the Construction of New Highway Links. Journal of Transportation and Statistics 6(2/3) 81-89.https://hdl.handle.net/11299/179909This paper examines new highway construction based on the status of the network, traffic demand, project costs, and budget constraints. The data span two decades and consist of descriptions of physical attributes of the network, the construction and expansion history, and average annual daily traffic values on each of the links. An algorithm is developed to designate adjacent and parallel links in a large network. A nonlinear cost model for new construction and highway expansion is developed for the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area. Results show that new links providing greater potential access are more likely to be constructed and that more links will be constructed when the budget is larger, which supports the underlying economic theory. The models developed here have important implications for planning and forecasting, allowing us to predict how networks might be altered in the future in response to changing conditions.enNetwork expansion, Cost Model, Transportation forecasting, choice modelPredicting the Construction of New Highway LinksArticle