Baizerman, MichaelHirak, Joseph2012-12-182012-12-181980 pagesThis is a report of two studies about how important youth issues were repĀ·orted in Minnesota newspapers. One study is general and is about images of juvenile delinquency in major Twin Cities newspapers. The other study focuses on the issue of vandalism and the Metropolitan Transit Commission buses. Based on the findings of these content ana)ysis studies, it is clear that only a vecy small percentage of all delinquent acts are reported in the press. The acts that are reported seem to be those in which force is used and those in which several youth participate. If this is an accurate statement about Twin Cities papers, some confusion could arise in public discussion and public policy about youth In general and particularly about de linquencybecause these acts are not the majorizy of delinquent acts and, Indeed, are relatively rare events.1 It is our hope that citizens of Minnesota will read the information and the issues presented in this report and will think about whether our findings would hold true for their communities and for other media such as newspapers, magazines, radio, and television.en-USImages of Delinquency in Twin Cities NewspapersReport