Arendale, David R.2018-09-262018-09-262007Arendale, D. R. (2007). Words make a difference: The influence of language on public perception. Centerpoints Newsletter, 4(2), Article 5. Available online: a nuanced change of words make a difference to students, parents, and policymakers? Changing public perception with any concept or idea is difficult. Inaccurate prior information, memories, and prejudices are difficult challenges to overcome. The struggles within U.S. society concerning racial stereotyping, religious strife, and bigotry continue. As a historian, I see positive results for society when the majority becomes intolerant of language that categorizes and demeans people. The language usage changes described in the new glossary for developmental education and learning assistance provide another step to building a better and more productive society for all citizens.encollege studentslearning assistancehigher and postsecondary educationpedagogydevelopmental educationglossarysemanticscompensatory educationpublic policy analysishistoryremedial educationacademic accessWords make a difference: The influence of language on public perceptionNewsletter or Bulletin