Schmeling, Alyssa2017-02-222017-02-222017 on equitable access to urban parks and recreation amenities identifies three measures of access: proximity of amenities to residences, acres per capita of park land, and quality of parks and recreation centers. Saint Paul’s District 1 performs extremely well in park acres per capita. For the measure of proximity, District 1 does well in some parts of the district, but not in others; many of the areas lacking in proximity to amenities have higher percentages of non-white residents and low mobility. The quality measure was assessed based upon the number of amenities per park or recreation center. District 1 falls right in line with the quality of parks and recreation centers in the rest of Saint Paul. Implementing change in the equitable distribution of parks and recreation amenities in District 1 and across Saint Paul Neighborhoods is accessible though policy, infrastructure, and programming changes.enDefining Equitable Access to Urban Parks and Recreation Amenties in Saint Paul's District 1 and Across Saint Paul NeighborhoodsReport