Franko, JenniferConnor, JenniferWambach, Catherine2008-12-292008-12-292000 is a short report to answer the question “does GC 0731/0732 prepare students for Math 1155?” Math 1155 is a one-semester overview of intensive pre-calculus. Students may take either Math 1155 or Math 1051 (pre-calculus I) and 1151 (pre-calculus II). This report presents information on the grades GC students earned in Math 1155 and their relationship to grades in GC 0731/0732, and students’ Math ACT test scores typically taken at the end of the students’ junior year in high school. GC 0731 and GC 0732 are both intermediate algebra classes. GC 0731 is taught using traditional pedagogy and GC 0732 uses computer-mediated pedagogy.en-USThe Performance of GC Students in MATH 1155Report