Mageau, MikeStauff, JanelleHynum, Nicole2021-03-182021-03-182007-01-22 for Sustainable Community Development (CSCD) has been working with three local communities to advance their wind power initiatives; the Grand Portage Indian Reservation, Proctor School District, and the city of Duluth. All three of the communities were working toward the installation of a community-owned wind turbine. At the time the CCRR money was awarded, each community was at a different stage of the process, some just beginning and some further along. The CSCD assisted these communities by working with community partners and providing technical assistance. We gathered wind speed data, conducted wind analyses, selected sites for the turbines, and researched turbines to determine the best fit for their wind resource.Center for Community and Regional Research (CCRR)University of Minnesota DuluthBringing Wind Power to Local CommunitiesCenter for Community and Regional Research ReportReport