Chikhalikar, Atharva SGodbole, Eeshani PPoerschke, David L2022-11-282022-11-282022-11-28 electron microscope images showing the thermally grown oxide (TGO) on the surface of a FeCrAlY alloy exposed to CaSO4, a mixture of Ca, Mg, Na, and K sulfates (denoted C13-s), and a mixture of Ca, Mg, Fe, Al, Si, Na, and K oxides (C13-Ox) for 100 h at 1025 ºC. Image analysis was then used to extract the TGO thickness and roughness profile data, which are provided as .csv files. Additional information is provided with the associated paper.Backscattered electron micrographs provide information about the thickness of the thermally grown oxide (TGO) thickness and the alloy-TGO interface roughness caused by oxidation of FeCrAlY alloy for 100 h at 1025 ºC in dry air upon exposure to corrosive deposits comprising mixed oxides, mixed sulfates, or calcium sulfate. Micrographs were processed to provide tabulated values for TGO thickness as a function of location across the sample cross section, and changes in the TGO-alloy interface position. The purpose of release is to provide access to detailed data related to alloy hot corrosion process. It is released now to correspond with the publication of the analyzed results in a related paper.Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 United States CorrosionOxidationSulfateCalcium Sulfate, Mixed Sulfate, and Mixed Oxide Corrosion of FeCrAlY Alloy in Dry Air at 1025 ºCDataset