Baker, AnnaFinlay, JacquesGran, KarenRorer, MichelleBelo, TessaAtkins, WalterMuramoto-Mathieu, MegumiYetter, KaraKatherine, Kemmitt2019-02-142019-02-142019-02-14 data were collected in support of the development of a watershed budget for sediment-derived phosphorus for the Le Sueur River Basin. This table presents the results of analyses of sediment total phosphorus and extractable dissolved phosphorus (soluble reactive phosphorus, SRP, or dissolved orthophosphate, DOP) and other chemical and physical parameters with potential influence over the phosphorus content of these sediments. This data set consists of 97 samples collected from erosional source areas including agricultural fields and ditches, near channel features such as bluffs, streambanks, and ravines, and from sinks such as channel beds and fluvial suspended sediment.CC0 1.0 Universal, phosphorus, grain size, watershed nutrient studiesLe Sueur River Basin Sediment Characterization - chemical and physical properties of sediments collected 2015-2018Dataset