Bauer, Helen Ann2016-12-162016-12-162015-12-08Helen Ann Bauer, OH 484. Oral history interview by Thomas J. Misa, 8 December 2015, Chicago, Illinois. Charles Babbage Institute, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.OH 484, 68 pp.Helen Bauer studied computer science and mathematics at Purdue University, graduating in 1972 and then starting work as a Member of Technical Staff at Bell Laboratories in Naperville, Illinois. The interview describes Bell’s affirmative action committees and workshops and its corporate culture. Bauer relates her experiences moving into managerial positions beginning in 1977, finding role models in co-workers, organizing support groups for women in management, and relating anecdotes about challenges. This material is based on work funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation award B2014-07 “Tripling Women’s Participation in Computing (1965-1985).”enComputer historyWomen's historyGenderHoover, GaryPurdue UniversityPurdue University. -- Dept. of Computer ScienceBell Telephone Laboratories, inc.Bell LabsHerr, Lois KathrynMember of Technical Staff (MTS)Senior Technical Aide (STA)Women’s movementMarsh, AnitaFeay, MaryChessler, FranElectronic Switching System (ESS)Boozer, KarenAffirmative actionField supportProgram Administration GroupUrban Minorities WorkshopMen and Women in the Work Environment (Workshop)Technical Women in Management (TWM)Staff Women in Management (SWIM)Women in Management (WIM)Lucent TechnologiesHolt, MarySystems engineerSoftware engineeringGrace Hopper Celebration of Women in ComputingHornbach, BarbaraAlfred P. Sloan FoundationOral history interview with Helen Ann BauerOral History