Priestly, Kevin2017-02-222017-02-222017 memo defines urban gardening as community gardens, market gardens, and urban farms. Greening, by contrast, are community-led efforts to beautify private spaces for public use. Frogtown has less vacant land and fewer foreclosed properties and businesses than other parts of the country—Baltimore and Milwaukee in particular—that have adopted and implemented successful, long-term vacant land management solutions. However, even with the completion of the Green Line Light Rail along University Avenue, new development and new construction in Frogtown lags behind the city of Saint Paul as a whole, while rates of ownership have not fully recovered from the recession and foreclosure crisis of 2007-2010. However, community residents and organizations have led efforts to improve the neighborhood through gardening and greening, mostly to counter the trends toward development. This report analyzes the Frogtown housing and commercial markets, strategies and actors implicated in preservation, the policies and priorities of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority, an investigation of Frogtown’s existing gardens, and provides a road map for present and future land preservation.enA Roadmap for the Preservation of Urban Gardens and Parklets in FrogtownReport