Nerva, John2010-10-292010-10-292010-10-29 information provided in this handout does not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Minnesota Medical School physicians and faculty. These materials are provided for informational purposes only and are in no way intended to take the place of the advice and recommendations of your personal health care provider. You use the information provided in these handouts at your own risk.Evaluation for intracranial injury (ICI) following minor head trauma (HT) is based on risk stratification in children younger than 2-years-old. Children in the high-risk group should undergo computed tomography (CT) scanning. Intermediate-risk children with symptoms of possible ICI should undergo CT scan or a period of observation. Children with intermediate-risk of skull fracture or ICI should undergo CT scan and/or skull radiographs (SR) or observation. Finally, children at low-risk for ICI should not have radiographic imaging.en-USpediatricsminor head traumaevaluationintracranial injuryinfantstoddlersMinor head injury in pediatricsOther