Smith, Peggy Noell2011-06-172011-06-172009-01-29Peggy Noell Smith, OH 400. Oral history interview by Jeffrey R. Yost, 29 January 2009, Greensboro, NC. Charles Babbage Institute, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. 400, 44 pp.This interview, with computer services entrepreneur Peggy (Noell) Smith, addresses her work at Lambda Technologies, and GEISCO (after it took over Lamda), prior to focusing on the computer services company she formed with two partners, Noell, Sanders, and White. The interview also details Peggy Smith’s role as consultant and later the Executive Director of the trade organization, National Association of Computer Consultant Businesses (NACCB).en-USComputer historyComputer service industryBusinesswomenData MastersGEISCOGenderLambda TechnologiesNoell, Sanders, and WhiteWomen's historyOral history interview with Peggy Noell SmithOral History