Arendale, David2020-03-202020-03-202020-03Arendale, D. R. (2020). [Video, 15:08]. Emerging Scholars Program (ESP) Overview. Emerging Scholars Program (ESP, known by other names) is a highly-structured workshop attached to academically-rigorous math courses to increase success of historically-underrepresented students. Created in the early 1970s by Dr. Philip Uri Treisman at the University of California, Berkeley, the initial focus was African-Americans in a calculus course seeking a doctoral degree in mathematics. Since then it has been used with a variety of student groups. ESP is used at colleges across the U.S.enbest practicesDavid Arendalelearning assistancepeer learning groupsstuldy group programsEmerging Scholars Programgroup tutoringEmerging Scholars Program (ESP) Overview [Video, 15:09]Video or Animation