Bhattacharyya, Rani A.2023-10-312023-10-312023-04 Crookston Downtown Development Partnership (DCDP) and City of Crookston requested this survey project to better understand the current preferences of downtown Crookston business and building owners. Survey responses will help enhance the downtown area for both customers and employees. In addition to primary survey data from downtown Crookston businesses, University of Minnesota Extension also provided data regarding resident demographics as a secondary source of information for downtown business owners to strategically plan for future growth. Survey results provide an estimate of potential demand by downtown Crookston businesses for specialized business services offered by the City and DCDP. Findings also reveal the opportunity for potentially new placemaking activities not currently taking place in the community. Additionally, compiling business preference data helps shape project recommendations for the DCDP and is useful for community groups as they prepare and plan for the downtown area’s extensive redevelopment with MNDOT. The redevelopment will occur along the city’s two main downtown corridors in 2027-2028.During spring 2023, University of Minnesota Extension conducted a Crookston downtown business survey at the request of the City of Crookston and the Downtown Crookston Development Partnership. Of the 80 surveys distributed, Extension received 19 responses. Surveys were sent to Crookston businesses located along the corridors of North Broadway and South Main Streets in Ward 4. As the majority of these businesses have operated for 20 or more years, findings reflect the experience of established businesses rather than new ones. Supplemental business demographics (Appendix A) and consumer market information regarding the lifestyle profiles of Crookston residents (Appendix B) are included at the end of this report.enRetail Trade Analysis, Business Needs, Rural Market ProfileCrookston Downtown Business Market Area Profile 2023Report