University of Minnesota Board of Regents2007-02-192007-02-191986"Management of Salt Spring Lands updated, formal agreement negotiated with MN. Dept of Natural Resouces not brought before board, discussed; authorization of agreement recommended; approved; Ph.D. program in Neuroscience proposed, recommended, approved; Upgrading of County Road J from I-35W to Lexington Avenue, Shoreview recommended; approved; Purchase of abandoned Burlington Northern R'y land for West Central Station, Morris recommended; approved; Sale of property to Assumption Catholic Church, Morris Campus reviewed; recommended; approved; Change in name of graduate degree program in Biometry and Health Information Systems to Biometry proposed, presented, recommended, approved; M.S. degree program in computer science, Duluth proposal presented; recommended, approved." (source: card index to Regents Minutes in University Archives)en-USLandDegreesMinutes: Board of Regents Meeting and Regents Committee Meetings: May 8-9, 1986Other