Appleby, ElizabethHoley, LauraJanson, MichaelGeoffrey, Kemp2017-03-272017-03-272013 and presentation completed by students enrolled in PA 8202: Networks and Places, taught by Dr. Jason Cao in spring 2013.This project was completed as part of the 2012-2013 Resilient Communities Project ( partnership with the City of Minnetonka. The City of Minnetonka was interested in assessing its parking regulations and identifying potential best practices for improving parking regulation and design. Minnetonka project lead and city planner Susan Thomas worked with students in PA 8202: Networks and Places, to develop a set of parking policy recommendations. Based on their research, the students recommended doing away with the minimum parking ordinance; offering alternative infrastructure; allowing mixed-use or high-density developments that are located within close proximity to forthcoming light rail stations; increasing minimal impact design standards (MIDS) for parking lots with adaptive management options if water quality decreases; maintaining aesthetic regulations for parking lots; offering greater incentives for conservation design techniques with all pervious surfaces; allowing or incentivizing businesses with different peak business hours to share parking; and expanding developer and public outreach and education campaigns. The students' final report and presentation are available.ensustainabilitylocal governmentMinnetonkaparkingMinnetonka Projects, 2012-2013Parking Lots: Case Studies and a Model OrdinancePresentation