Blue, MistyKinzley, Charlotte2024-01-082024-01-082023-01-19 39:15Charlotte Kinzley is the Homeless/Highly Mobile Manager for Minneapolis Public Schools where she supports students and families experiencing homelessness. Over the past 20 years she has developed programming and initiatives in family shelters and supportive housing facilities in Minneapolis. Her focus in this work has been to support the development of young people and to advocate for the importance of stable housing for all families. She currently serves as co-chair of the Hennepin County Family Coordinated Entry Leadership Committee and is a member of the Operations Board for Hennepin County’s Continuum of Care. She helps coordinate the Stable Homes Stable Schools initiative which includes a recent expansion through a Homework Starts with Home grant.enEnding Student Homelessness Episode 3: Interview with Charlotte KinzleyAudio