Yehlik, Oliver R2024-04-222024-04-222024-04-01 for the University Honors Senior Capstone requirement and the Undergraduate Research Study Abroad (URSA) program. The author was part of the 2023 Undergraduate Research Study Abroad program in Morocco.What does it mean to seek out stories? How do I talk about my own life story? Where do I find activists who might tell me the story of their work? How can I receive these stories and what might we learn? These are questions I contend with as I prepare to leave for Morocco. My research leads me around the country, to beautiful conversations on rooftops and climate workshops with activists. I bring these moments with me to Duluth, where I seek out experiences to carry on the conversation and understand my work across contexts. My research builds frames as I begin to notice the skills for engaging with climate change in the words of the activists I speak with. In all of this, I recognize that the work calls into being a new question that might reveal what it is I hope to know. How do we support and empower one another to find the climate narrative that is also the story of our one-and-only life?enUniversity of Minnesota DuluthUniversity HonorsUndergraduate Research Study Abroad programSkillful Engagement with Community Perceptions of Climate Change in MoroccoScholarly Text or Essay