Park, Jun Yong2010-03-312010-03-312009-08-06 contributor: Arnd Scheel (faculty mentor)This project was concerned with the study of Liesegang patterns in a reaction tube. Liesegang patterns are formed by a simple reaction, typically in gels, when the reaction product precipitates in a recurrent fashion. They consist of bands where the reaction product precipitated, which are spaced at distances which increase at a geometric rate. While Liesegang patterns are ubiquitous and easy to generate in experiments, there is a vast number of different model equations proposed in the literature. My goal of this project was to find a model that is different from the models proposed in the literature and that has desirable smoothness properties and models the phenomena relatively close to the real world experiment.en-USInstitute of TechnologySchool of MathematicsLiesegang PatternsPresentation