Minnesota Local Technical Assistance Program2015-06-192015-06-192002https://hdl.handle.net/11299/172643Articles include: Transportation workforce: A call to action, Another successful year for motor grader operator workshops, Make way for mobility by sharing roadway rights-of-way with public utilities, Transportation workforce development resources, Recycling: It's not just for newspapers anymore, Cities, counties advised to use MnPAVE to calculate thickness, Factors influencing the workforce crisis, Collaboration expands living snow fence program, Minnesota MUTCD is now available, Think snow. Update your winter maintenance plans, Motor grader workshops, It's time to plan for next year's motor grader workshops, Local officials learn about context sensitive design at new LTAP workshop, ATSSA announces 2003 "How To" Tconference, local workshops, New FHWA video makes "retroreflectivity" easy to understand, Midwest Conference on Library & Information Services for Transportation-Partners in Information, State public safety commissioner says preparation won't prevent terrorist attacksenTransportationMinnesota Local Technical Assistance ProgramLTAP Technology Exchange (Fall 2002, vol. 10, no. 4)Newsletter or Bulletin