Anders, Rorie J2021-05-032021-05-032021-04 products come equipped with an instruction manual that provides details on how to assemble, use, or troubleshoot a new product. However, there is a noted lack of interest and optimism in using instruction manuals because customers have developed negative preconceptions based upon previous poor experiences. Therefore, the aim of this study is to analyze the impact of the design and format of an instruction manual, such as the use of static or interactive design elements, on customer satisfaction and the usability of an instruction manual. This research was accomplished using remote and in-person usability testing of a non-interactive and interactive instruction manual to complete the task of creating an origami heart. Data was collected through observation and the think-aloud protocol during testing, as well as pre- and post-test questionnaires, and a semi-structured interview. This study indicates that the interactive instruction manual displayed higher levels of satisfaction and that participants exhibited a greater preference for visual instructions, such as the use of illustrations or animations, compared to written instructions.enCustomer SatisfactionDesirabilityInstruction ManualInteractivityUsabilityDocumentation and Design StrategiesThe Heart of the Matter: An Analysis of Instruction Manual Design and Customer SatisfactionScholarly Text or Essay