Fieberg, John RMech, L. DavidBarber-Meyer, Shannon2017-10-062017-10-062017-10-06 html files contain R code and output for analyzing MooseWolfDataUpdated.csv. The R files used to generate the html documents can be found in the zip file. See readme.txt for more details.These files contain data and R code (along with associated output from running the code) supporting all results reported in, "Mech, L. D., J. Fieberg, and S. Barber-Meyer. In press. An historical overview and update of wolf-moose interactions in Northeastern Minnesota. Wildlife Society Bulletin." In this paper, we explored relationships between wolf numbers, monitored in part of the Minnesota moose range, and moose calf:population and estimated log annual growth rates of moose in Northeast Minnesota.Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International codeMinnesotamoosewolfpopulation dynamicspredationsurvivalregressionData, R Code, and Output Supporting "An Historical Overview and Update of Wolf-Moose Interactions in Northeastern Minnesota"Dataset