Maleitzke, Adam2019-06-192019-06-192007 Minneapolis, the city's oldest area, has undergone a major economic transformation in the past 15 years. A collection of warehouses and storefronts that were abandoned as the economy evolved away from industry were converted to homes and studios for enterprising artists. With affordable rents and relatively easy access to transportation and the central business district, an arts community quickly developed in Northeast. Currently, the largest concentration of artists is located in an area spanning four neighborhoods, bounded roughly by Lowry and Central Avenues NE and Broadway Street NE. This area comprises the city's official arts district, which was established in February 2003 by the City of Minneapolis. With the prospect of sweeping gentrification looming for Northeast, it is now vital that artists have the information they need to articulate their value to the city. This report seeks to provide an assessment of the district's economic situation, which can be used as a point of reference for allocating resources and advocating on behalf of the arts district.enOn Quantifying the Economic Impact of the Arts in the Minneapolis Arts DistrictReport