Thompson, Sarah, J2015-09-302015-09-302015-09-30 csv file documents the species observed at various point count stations in 14 Waterfowl Production Area sites. Measurements about the surrounding vegetation were included. Each of the 18493 rows is a record for a particular SPECIES observed at specified time and location. The R code file runs on R and imports the CSV file. The R code was written in R version 3.1.2.These files contain R code and data required for analsyes detailed within "Grassland birds demonstrate delayed response to large-scale tree removal in central North America" in the Journal of Applied Ecology. The lead author wrote this code to analyze multi-year point count data collected in west-central Minnesota. The purpose of the study was to assess the success of habitat restoration activities aimed at removal of encroaching trees and shrubs.tree removalbirdsBefore-After Control-Impacthabitat restorationgrasslandData and R Code for Analyses in "Grassland birds demonstrate delayed response to large-scale tree removal in central North America"Dataset