Mielke, Joey2019-12-112019-12-112019-08https://hdl.handle.net/11299/208944University of Minnesota M.S. thesis. August 2019. Major: Animal Sciences. Advisor: Milena Saqui-Salces. 1 computer file (PDF); ix, 76 pages.Microalgae are an alternative feed ingredient for swine that can potentially decrease feed cost, increase sustainability, performance and health. In chapter 1, I reviewed the potential uses of microalgae in the swine industry, focusing on sustainability, meeting swine nutrient requirements and previous research using microalgae in human and animal diets. Chapter 2 presents a project to evaluate the use of partially de-oiled microalgae product in nursery pigs’ diets. The objective of the project was to determine the optimal inclusion level of the microalgae product utilizing low (1 and 5%) and high (10 and 20%) inclusion levels and to define the mechanism by which the product could alter pig metabolism. I found that the microalgae product was best used at 1% because it increased animal performance. However, I did not identify a specific metabolic effect. Chapter 3 summarizes results and describes additional analyses and limitations of the project.enEvaluation of a partially de-oiled microalgae product in nursery pig dietsThesis or Dissertation