University of Minnesota Duluth. Antiracist Literary Advisory Board2023-05-302023-05-302022, Nov. 3rd; 3-4:30pm; MonH 151; Why is diversity in children's literature so important? What is ALAB? Come to our event to find out!; This presentation was given at UMD and later at the 2022 National Council for Teachers of English (NCTE) Annual Conference "¡Sueños! Pursuing the Light!"Jayna Brown and Hailey Bownik, two teacher candidates, will begin the panel by describing the work A-LAB has done to move their campus library’s children’s literature collection toward social justice through a process of analysis and text de/selection recommendations. They will also situate this work in the research relating to the impacts of diverse representations in children’s literature. Kayleen Jones, the Education Librarian who oversees the collection, will then discuss how A-LAB leverages collaboration in praxis, particularly interdepartmental, faculty/staff, and student/faculty/staff collaboration. Next, Suki Jones Mozenter and Ariri Onchwari, faculty, will report the impacts of collective antiracist praxis on the members of A-LAB based on qualitative interviews. Finally, Josh South, another teacher candidate, will outline a model for secondary schools based on the work done by A-LABenPostersUniversity of Minnesota DuluthPresentationsAntiracist Literary Advisory BoardKathryn A. Martin LibraryDepartment of EducationDreaming & Doing: Antiracist Literary Advisory Board (2022-11-03)Other