Rizvi, Rubina FVasilakes, Jake AAdam, Terrence JMelton, Genevieve BBishop, Jeffrey RBian, JiangTao, CuiZhang, Rui2019-11-222019-07-252019-09-162019-11-222019-07-25http://hdl.handle.net/11299/204783README.md describes the structure of the knowledge base and gives installation instructions. idisk_neo4j.dump is a binary file corresponding to the Neo4j release. See the README for details. idisk_rrf.zip is an archive containing the UMLS style RRF files. See the README for details.The integrated Dietary Supplements Knowledge Base (iDISK) covers a variety of dietary supplements, including vitamins, herbs, minerals, etc. It was standardized and integrated from the Dietary Supplements Label Database (DSLD), the "About Herbs" database from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC), the Canadian Natural Health Products and Ingredients database (NHP), and the Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database (NMCD) developed by the Therapeutic Research Center (TRC). iDISK contains a variety of attributes and relationships describing information about each dietary supplement such as which products it is an ingredient of and what drugs it might interact with.Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United Stateshttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/us/dietary supplementsknowledge baseknowledge representationontologydatabaseIntegrated Dietary Supplement Knowledge Base (iDISK)Datasethttps://doi.org/10.13020/d6bm3v