University of Minnesota Board of Regents2007-02-192007-02-191990"M.S. in Management of Technology and Ph.D. in Biomedical Science proposed, recommended, approved; Sale of Banfill's Island, Anoka County, to the Izaak Walton League (27.1 acres in Miss. River) recommended; approved; Water distribution phase IIA and IIB, St. Paul Campus recommended, approved; Purchase of 28.8 acres of Chicago and Northwestern Railroad property, Minneapolis for parking and transitway reviewed, recommended; approved; Additional outdoor lighting and vandal resistant telephones installation project presented, recommended, approved; [Legislative] Update presented; Overview of landscape projects presented." (source: card index to Regents Minutes in University Archives)en-USDegreesLandCampusLegislatureMinutes: Board of Regents Meeting and Regents Committee Meetings: March 8-9, 1990Other