Jelinek, NicholasPrideaux, MichaelVan Berkum, Tyler2018-09-182018-09-182018, presentation, and survey tool document completed by students enrolled in PA 5311: Program Evaluation, taught by Pete Bernardy in spring 2018.This project was completed as part of the 2017-2018 Resilient Communities Project ( partnership with the City of Ramsey. The Ramsey Police Department provides safety training to local businesses, and serves as a first responder to any safety concerns these businesses have. While the department works hard to ensure quality service, they want to ensure they are truly meeting the needs of the business community. Students in PA 5311: Program Evaluation, taught by Pete Bernardy, worked with the Ramsey Police Department to develop a process evaluation survey that can be administered to local businesses to better understand their impressions of the department’s work, gauge the department's responsiveness to the community’s safety needs, compare these responses across business sectors to see if any sectors feel underserved, determine what crime-related issues business owners are most concerned about, and understand the preferred format for community safety trainings. The students’ final report, presentation, and survey tool are available.enRamseysustainabilitylocal governmentCity of Ramsey Projects, 2017-2018Survey Design for the City of Ramsey Police and Fire DepartmentsPresentation