Taylor, Brian2015-09-082015-09-082015-08-25https://hdl.handle.net/11299/174377The primary goal for this flight was to find the open-loop flutter speed with a secondary goal of gathering additional 23 m/s open-loop chirp data on surfaces L3/R3 and L4/R4. Following completion of the chirp excitations, a 20 second speed ramp was initiated from 23 m/s to 35 m/s while flying open-loop. The throttle command saturated flying level at 28 m/s with a noticeable wing oscillation, but the oscillation amplitude remained constant. A slight pushover maneuver was initiated to add energy and find the amplitude divergence point, which occurred at 30 m/s. The divergence occurred rapidly enough that recovery was not possible. This flutter speed matches the expected speed, validating our modeling approaches.enSkoll Flight 13UMore Test RangeParameter EstimationRigid Body AerodynamicsFlexible Body DynamicsOpen Loop FlutterSkoll Flight 13Dataset