Nate, Meyer2015-05-282015-05-282005Meyer, N. (2005). Best Practices for Field Days:2005 Report of Outcomes and Impacts. Making an Impact with Environmental Field Days: Workshops for Organizers and Presenters. St. Paul, MN: University of Minnesota Extension Service. archival publication may not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. Current information available from the University of Minnesota Extension: in 2002 by members of the Environmental Science Education (ESE) Area of Expertise, Best Practices for Field Days (BPFD) is a University of Minnesota Extension Service professional development program for the people involved in field days. It involves learning how to design and deliver educational events that apply six research-based practices to maximize the educational impact of these events— - centering the event around a single theme, - assessing audience before the event, - planning the setting for effective education, - using appropriate teaching methods, - developing and implementing regular evaluation, and - integrating marketing. A variety of products and services encompass the program: technical articles, a curriculum & planning tools that can be purchased online, customized workshops and in-depth evaluations of events. Through maximizing the impact of field days for the 10 thousand+ students who participate annually, the BPFD program seeks to increase the educational return on thousands of volunteer hours and public dollars invested each year in these events. Program impacts include: a) collaboration, more economical, efficient & effective field day programs, b) creating an “interest pipeline” for youth to explore careers in natural resources, science & technology, c) increasing citizen environmental literacy and abilities to enact natural resource and environmental protection & enhancement through programs that reach young people.enfield daysassessmentoutcomesBest Practices for Field Days: 2005 Report of Outcomes and Impacts: Making an Impact with Environmental Field Days: Workshops for Organizers and PresentersReport