Harden, Brenda Jones2018-07-242018-07-242010https://hdl.handle.net/11299/198294This presentation was part of the Lessons from the Field event entitled, "Promoting Child Well-Being and Early Childhood Intervention Within a Cultural Context" which took place March 18, 2010. This archival publication may not reflect current scientific knowledge or recommendations. Current information available from the University of Minnesota Extension: https://www.extension.umn.edu.This presentation was part of the Lessons from the Field event entitled, "Promoting Child Well-Being and Early Childhood Intervention Within a Cultural Context." The event took place March 18, 2010. The goals of this particular presentation was for participants to understand experiences of young children at risk (African American children), consider benefits of early intervention programs for this population, and explore cultural perspectives on early intervention for young children at risk.enCYFCLessons from the Fieldchildren's mental healthPromoting the Well-Being of Young Children: Early Intervention in a Cultural Context PresentationPresentation