Hansen-Connell, MaddieMurphey, KathleenBui, Jacqueline OakesSchmaltz, MeganWilliams, Ian2022-07-252022-07-252022-05https://hdl.handle.net/11299/229535Capstone paper for the fulfillment of the Master of Science in Science, Technology, and Environmental Policy degree.Climate change is a major concern globally and locally, and agriculture can help mitigate emissions through climate-smart practices. To capitalize on this carbon sequestration opportunity, agricultural carbon markets are emerging in Minnesota and elsewhere as a way to compensate farmers for their role in reducing emissions and carbon sequestration. However, there are barriers and concerns with carbon markets and adopting climate-smart practices. The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) was interested in investigating the gaps in current carbon market payment systems, policy mechanisms or other solutions, and the most appropriate role for MDA to play in increasing climate-smart practice adoption. To explore these questions, our research team conducted a background literature review with a stakeholder analysis and completed 26 key informant interviews with farmers and representatives from government, education, business, and others.enclimate changeagricultural carbon marketsMinnesota Department of Agricultureadopting climate-smart practicesstakeholder analysiscarbon sequestrationClimate-Smart Practice Adoption and Carbon Markets in MinnesotaThesis or Dissertation