Center for Transportation Studies2017-03-102017-03-101999-06 item isn't labeled as the Freight and Logistics Third Annual Symposium, but it could be considered as such.This report contains summary proceedings of the Third Annual Symposium of the Impacts of Logistics on the Upper Midwest Economy that was held in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on June 14, 1999: Keynote Presentation, "The Evolving Economy and the Challenges for Logistics" by Robert Buhrmaster; Panel 1, "Economic Trends and Implications" moderated by Prof. Frederick Beier with panelists Russ Stephens, Jim Schoenwetter, and Mark Bowers; Panel 2, "Re-Thinking the Role of Government" moderated by Tim Penny with panelists Randy Halvorson, Paul Roberts, and Tom Workman; Closing by Gerard McCullough.enFreight and LogisticsTransportationSymposiumThird Annual Symposium on the Impacts of Logistics on the Upper Midwest EconomyConference Paper