O'Brien, Kathleen2007-04-192007-04-192005-08-26https://hdl.handle.net/11299/28From the letter and attachments: "Each of the seven administrative action areas is assigned to a system-wide task force. Each task force chair will form and lead a group of experts to steer the work of the action area. The task force should be a working group of up to ten individuals and include persons with experience in the action area...." "ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE AND PRODUCTIVITY TASK FORCE ASSIGNMENTS Task Force: Chair Single Enterprise: Gail Klatt Culture: Linda Thrane Structure: Terry Bock Best Practices: Steve Cawley Service: Jerry Rinehart People: Carol Carrier Resources: R. Pfutzenreuter"Letter and supporting documents comprising the charge to the Administrative Service and Productivity Task Force.en-USCharge to the Administrative Service and Productivity Task Force ChairsOther