Thomson, William2009-11-242009-11-241983-02Thomson, W., (1983), "Truncated Egalitarian and Monotone Path Solutions", Discussion Paper No. 174, Center for Economic Research, Department of Economics, University of Minnesota. Egalitarian and Monotone Path solutions are two families of generalizations of the Egalitarian solution which fail to satisfy WPO (Weak Pareto-Optimality) and SY (Symmetry) respectively. Any solution satisfying SY, IIA (Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives), CONT (Continuity), and MON (Monotonicity: everyone originally present should help out when new agents come in with no resources of their own) coincides with a Truncated Egalitarian solution if the number of agents n is greater than 2,but may permit utility substitutions if n=2. Similarly, any solution satisfying WPO, IIA, CONT and MON "essentially" coincides with a Monotone Path solution if n > 2,but may permit utility substitution if n=2.en-USEgalitarian solutionTruncated Egalitarian solutionMonotone Path solutionTruncated Egalitarian and Monotone Path SolutionsWorking Paper