Arendale, David2020-03-202020-03-202020-03Arendale, D. R. (2020). [Video, 41:15]. Supplemental Instruction (SI) overview. Instruction (SI) is an academic enhancement and support program. SI creates a supportive learning community that empowers the students to develop their academic capacity to become powerful and independent learners. It was created at the University of Missouri – Kansas City in 1973 by Dr. Deanna C. Martin. Since then, it has expanded to 33 countries in 1,500 institutions plus more by the regional training centers Regional training centers in Australasia, Canada, Europe, and South Africa. SI is known by a variety of names included Peer Assisted Study Groups (PASS) and others.enbest practicesDavid Arendalelearning assistancepeer learning groupsgroup tutoringstuldy group programsgroup tutoringSupplemental Instructionacademic achievementpersistenceSupplemental Instruction (SI) Overview [Video, 41:15]Video or Animation