Walton, William C.2010-06-302010-06-301973-08Walton, William C. 1973. Directory of Water Resources Research Faculty at University of Minnesota and State and Private Colleges in Minnesota. Water Resources Research Center.http://purl.umn.edu/91553The purpose of this directory is to provide a listing of University of Minnesota and State and Private Colleges in Minnesota faculty having specialized training and research experience in fields directly related to water resources. In May 1973, 194 faculty members were requested to submit a short biographical sketch to the Water Resources Research Center for use in preparing this directory. Information received from 74 faculty are included in this directory. Faculty who did not submit biographical sketches are listed with names, affiliations and addresses. This directory consists of an alphabetized list of the faculty members, their departments, education, and experience. No attempt has been made, however, to be complete in listing publications, research, or other information. A keyword index has been provided to assist in locating faculty having particular specialties. There are faculty members with training and experience in all of the various fields directly related to water resources. Biologists are particularly numerous followed by Chemists, Geographers, Agricultural Engineers and Social Scientists, Ecologists, Sociologists, Public Administration and Political Scientists, and Economists. There are few Lawyers, Sanitary Engineers, Limnologists, Hydrologists, Hydraulic Engineers, Hydrogeologists, Forest Hydrologists, Climatologists, and Recreation Scientists.en-USwater resources researchersbiographydirectoryminnesotaDirectory of Water Resources Research Faculty at University of Minnesota and State and Private Colleges in MinnesotaNewsletter or Bulletin