Gary, Hannah (editor)2018-05-022019-10-022016 compiled and edited by Hannah Gary, a graduate research assistant with the Resilient Communities Project.Nature-based play principles focus on providing children with more opportunities to interact in a natural environment and exercise active imagination for play. Incorporating more nature-based play elements into existing parks and play areas has the potential to increase physical activity and improve other developmental processes. This tool outlines the benefits of nature-based play, offers background information on the theories behind nature-based play ideas, and gives design recommendations for incorporating nature-based play elements into existing parks. This document was prepared by the University of Minnesota’s Resilient Communities Project (RCP) for the Minnesota GreenStep Cities Program. This resource was developed from three reports completed by graduate and undergraduate students through a partnership between RCP and the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, during the 2014–2015 academic year. Although the original reports were developed for a specific community, students’ findings and recommendations have been synthesized and generalized, and additional research has been conducted where necessary, to produce a resource that is relevant to communities throughout Minnesota. The original student reports can be found at,, and playnature-based playsustainabilityResilient Communities Project-GreenStep Cities Guidelocal governmentNature-Based Recreation: A Resilient Communities Project–GreenStep Cities GuideReport