Lilly, Mary PPaz, Justin2019-05-282019-05-282014“Tried and Tweaked: Activities to re-energize peer-learning sessions” is a collection of activities designed and conducted by undergraduate students at the University of Minnesota to use in their role as facilitators leading study sessions in the University’s Peer-Assisted Learning (PAL) Program. The activities were developed and tested during their weekly sessions and focus on two particular guiding principles of the PAL program (there are eight): modeling productive learning behaviors, and engaging students with each other. Each activity offers suggestions for preparation, supplies needed, appropriate courses, and the type of student grouping used in the activity. The spirit in which these session activities are designed is one of creating an informal, social, and welcoming environment. This is a companion volume to the Guide for Peer Learning Facilitators, which details all eight principles.enpeer learningActivitiesPALSIPASSSupplemental InstructionCooperative learningstudent interactionLearning assistancepeer educatorsFacilitatorsTried and Tweaked: Activities to re-energize peer learning sessionsBook