University of Minnesota Duluth. Department of Psychology2020-03-242020-03-242019 Psychology presents Coffee & Conversation; featuring Jeffrey Wozniak, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences; University of Minnesota; Friday, November 1; 1-2pm; KAM Library 460Jeffrey R. Wozniak is a Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Minnesota. His primary research interest is in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD). Dr. Wozniak conducts advanced neuroimaging studies in FASD in conjunction with the University's Laboratory for Neuropsychiatric Imaging, where he directs the neurocognitive section. Dr. Wozniak is currently conducting the first randomized controlled trial of choline supplementation in children with FASD - the goal of which is to develop a treatment for the neurodevelopmental aspects of the disorder. en-USPostersUniversity of Minnesota DuluthLecturesCoffee & ConversationDepartment of PsychologyTreating the brain in children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (2019-11-01)Other