Wickert, Scarlet2020-04-292020-04-292020https://hdl.handle.net/11299/212733Advisor: Beth VenturaContinuous behavioral sampling yields the best approximation of an animal’s behavior but from a practical standpoint is difficult to carry out in many captive animal facilities. One challenge facing people who manage captive wildlife is how to best observe and record behavior data on their captive animals, so as to optimize their health and welfare. Previous research has identified behaviors associated with stress in captive raptors, but no studies have identified efficient behavioral sampling methods that can approximate daily behavioral patterns. The aim of this study was two-fold: 1) to establish a 24-hour time budget of two captive raptors using continuous sampling, and 2) to identify an intermittent scan sampling method that best approximates the results obtained by continuous sampling. The behavior of two captive raptors (Buteo jamaicensis and Strix varia) at The Raptor Center (TRC) was recorded continuously via video camera to produce an ethogram and time budget of behaviors performed within a single 24-hour period. Instantaneous scan samples of the 24-hour videos were performed every 2 hours, 4 hours, and during 13 randomly selected times throughout the 24-hour sample, as well as every 2 hours, 3 hours, and at 4 random times between 9:00am-3:00pm, within TRC’s operating hours. Time budgets from each of these sampling methods were compared to those generated by continuous observation. Results showed that intermittent scan samples were not successful at approximating the results of behavioral observations yielded from continuous sampling, regardless of interval length. It is hoped that these findings can help caretakers around the world choose which behavioral sampling strategies are best for assessing the welfare of captive raptors.enCollege of Food, Agricultural and Natural SciencesDepartment of Animal ScienceThe Raptor CenterDetermining an Optimal Observation Method to Assess Behavior of Raptors in CaptivityReport