Tomhave, Ben2019-08-122019-08-122018, presentation and poster completed by students enrolled in GIS 5578: GIS Programming, taught by David Haynes in Fall 2018.This project was completed as part of the 2018-2019 Resilient Communities Project ( partnership with Ramsey County. Ramsey County wanted to assess the accessibility for visitors and clients of County-owned service facilities to make informed decisions about future capital investment in or relocation of these facilities to better meet the needs of the public. Ramsey County project lead Max Holdhusen worked with a graduate student in David Haynes' GIS 5578: GIS Programming, who used GIS analysis to determine public transit access to three Ramsey County Corrections Facilities. Based on this analysis, the student concluded that midday transit access is inadequate for residents of northwestern Ramsey County, and that if the central corrections facility were moved slightly to the northwest, it would be located in a region of higher client density and transit accessibility. The student's final report, presentation, and a poster summarizing the project are available.ensustainabilitylocal governmentRamsey County Projects, 2018-2019Assessing Transit Access to Ramsey County Service FacilitiesPresentation