Boyer, Laura M.2019-09-202019-09-201991M1099 Asia it was the elders who ran the family and village affairs. Their advice was sought and they were respected and obeyed. As refugees all this has changed. Elders are forced to rely on their children and grandchildren for assistance, because it is the youth who have learned the language quickly and adapted to Western Society. Research about these older refugees is still scanty. This bibliography reviews and summarizes publications between 1975 and 1990. Five Southeast Asian ethnic groups are included: Cambodian, Ethnic Chinese, Hmong, Lao, and Vietnamese. Most are about refugees in the United States and all are in English.enagedbibliographyelderlyHmongminoritiesrefugeesseniorsSoutheast Asian Refugee Studies (SARS) ProjectSoutheast AsiansOlder Generation of Southeast Asian Refugees: An Annotated Bibliography.Report