Lauser, Kathleen TCalabrese, Michelle A2022-01-032022-01-032022-01-03 data analysis package is composed of three distinct scripts designed to be run in Matlab with png image files. ContactAngle.m measures the contact angle of a liquid bridge and the spreading distance on the substrate for a series of images during liquid bridge thinning. Startpoint_Symmetry finds the minimum radius for a series of liquid bridge thinning images, identifies the start and end point of thinning, and gives information about the overall symmetry of the trials. EC_binning identifies the fitting region, fits and reports relaxation time for elastocapillary thinning fluids. For all three scripts, an example dataset is provided to demonstrate script functionality.This collection of scripts is a package for analyzing extensional rheology data of liquid bridges. While this was created with Dripping-onto-Substrate datasets, this data analysis package may be useful for other liquid bridge thinning applications such as CaBER. Any pre-processing of images, such as binarizing, converting to png or cropping, can be completed with ImageJ.CC0 1.0 Universal thinningrheologyextensional rheologyliquid bridgeDoScontact angleCapillary thinning analysisDataset