Warren, Emily2019-06-192019-06-192007https://hdl.handle.net/11299/203791As many neighborhoods in Minneapolis begin planning or implementing their allotted Phase II funds from the Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP), many do so with a weary eye towards the future of neighborhood planning and support. At the time of this report, Phase II remains the final phase for which funds have been allocated for neighborhoods, with the future of NRP uncertain at best. This has caused neighborhood organizations and residents to wonder how they will remain sustainable when NRP support ends, which is expected to occur in 2009. In planning for Phase II spending, strategies for housing programs have been particularly important, due to the state mandate which requires that 50% of NRP funds be spent on housing. Because neighborhoods are required to spend half of their funds on programs related to housing, choosing effective and appropriate housing programs is a high priority. In addition to program income, there are certainly other things to consider when choosing a housing program. The question of what makes a good housing program is one that remains to be determined for many neighborhoods. This is the question addressed in this report. The objective of this report is to identify best practices for spending Phase II NRP funds in light of shrinking contributions and the potential end of NRP support, and increasing budgetary challenges, in general, for neighborhood organizations. As summarized below in this report, the recommendations of best practices for spending Phase II housing dollars include the following: focus issues of affordability, offer loan programs that fit the needs of the neighborhood while ensuring that those loan programs also generate program income, and plan for Phase II with an eye towards strategic future partnerships that could eventually replace the support of NRP.enAffordable HousingCorcoran NeighborhoodMinneapolisNeighborhood Planning for Community Revitalization (NPCR)Neighborhood Revitalization Program (NRP)Best Practices for Spending Phase II Housing Dollars: Recommendations for the Corcoran Neighborhood OrganizationReport