Finnegan, JohnMelissa Nelson2023-10-192023-10-192007-12-31 1:30 minutesThis resource is provided for informational purposes only and may not reflect current scientific knowledge or medical recommendations.Welcome to Public Health Moment from the University of Minnesota. How do you keep that resolution to lose weight in the new year? Start by making realistic goals. That’s according to Melissa Nelson, a University of Minnesota epidemiologist. <Clip: “Remember that a small calorie difference…X option instead of Y at a fast food restaurant.”> Nelson adds that you should keep track of how you’re doing—weighing yourself daily, for example, and writing down what you eat each day. Finally, Nelson says, it’s important to include regular physical activity. <Clip: “When people set New Year’s goals…whether or not you achieve your goal.”> With another Public Health Moment, I’m John Finnegan.enResolutions to lose weightAudio